Thursday, January 26, 2012

Seriously, don't take yourself seriously

Mercedes, mi professora de espanol, es muy bueno.

Ok....I only said that in Spanish because if I speak Ingles she waves her finger at me and, I suspect, despite her sweet nature, would smack a ruler across my fingers.

That's the way it is mi amigos. Herman, the director, announces activities to Swiss, German, Norwegian, Canadian, Japanese, Australian, and citizens of Los Estados Unidos with absolutely no regard that we don't know WTF he is saying.

Me and a young Canuck glanced at each other and burst out laughing as we looked at the dopey expressions presented by 30 clueless old and young students. Herman smiled.

Solo's, affluent couples, young Ramen travelers, back packers, and, of course, edgy old dudes, seeking the Ecuadorian Knowledge.

Friday there's a cooking event where they are instructing the finer points of cuy. We get to grill, fry, and eat it. Herman asked if I wanted to participate. My one word answer was “no”. Herman smiled, looked furtively around and whispered in perfect English “I don't blame you”.

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