Thursday, January 26, 2012 would do the same thing and you know it

World travelers, don't think ill of me when I explain.

It rains a lot in Quito.

Dinner time and the rain is relentless. Yo tengo muy hambre with no hotel restaurant. I'm on foot so the big decision is how close a place is.

Two restaurants within a block. I pull on my boots, don my Goretex jacket then grab the day pack.

The joint is jumpin' five deep with locals over 4 counters and full tables. The workers are lit up. Menu is in Spanish but there is one item that I recognize.

You see it in Quito and Quebec. In Indianapolis and India.....well maybe not so much in India.

“Big Mac por favor” and pantomime that it is carry out because the noise level is so raucous. “Coca Cola? “Si” I stuff all but the coke in my ruck sack then scurry across the block to take the guilty pleasure in my little room. Delicious.

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